Tuesday, May 29, 2012
My blogging Experience
My blogging experience was fun and interesting. I am not sure if I am going to continue. I am not going to create a new blog site but I will probably keep this one. Blogging is some what a waste of time because instead of going out and doing something outside, you are sitting inside getting fat on your computer.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Let's change the Student Handbook
If I could change any rule in the handbook I would change the phone rule. I would make it so people can use there phone in school. If this was changed then I wouldn't have got suspended for something I didn't do. All the students would agree with me but the teachers and administration would not.
If I could add a rule to the handbook then I would add a rule saying you don't have to follow the rules. This would the staff and administration would not agree with me. There would be no consequences if someone broke this rule because it makes it so there are no rules.
If I could add a rule to the handbook then I would add a rule saying you don't have to follow the rules. This would the staff and administration would not agree with me. There would be no consequences if someone broke this rule because it makes it so there are no rules.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Goodbye, Seniors!
The seniors are leaving from school and are done until college. That means my grades the top of the school and are going to take over the school. Everyone will be looking up to us and will miss us when we are gone.
Monday, May 7, 2012
I thought prom was really fun, and I had a great time. The best part was all the grinding! That was awesome. I went to after prom to which was a blast. I won prizes and and a lot of fun.
Monday, April 30, 2012
On My Mind
BACON!! Bacon is what's on my mind today, because I love bacon. Bacon is what makes the world go round and it makes everybody happy. If we didn't have bacon, then we would all die a horrible death. Bacon is the best thing in the world.
Monday, April 23, 2012
I have a facebook account, but I don't use it very often. I check it maybe 2 times a week through my mobile device. I use my account just to see if there are any events going on soon that I have been invited too. So many people have a facebook account because they are to lazy to get up and go see there friends or they need something to complain on so they think people will feel sorry for them. I think no body should be using facebook because it's a waste of time and makes people lazy and fat.
1. It is an easy way to invite people to bonfires/parties.
2. It is an easy way to chat with friends.
3. It can help you make new friends.
1. Makes people fat and lazy.
2. Everybody can see pictures of you.
3. People complain to much on facebook, and to many people get in arguements through facebook over dumb things.
Yes someone can have a hundred friends, but some people just add random people they don't know.
1. It is an easy way to invite people to bonfires/parties.
2. It is an easy way to chat with friends.
3. It can help you make new friends.
1. Makes people fat and lazy.
2. Everybody can see pictures of you.
3. People complain to much on facebook, and to many people get in arguements through facebook over dumb things.
Yes someone can have a hundred friends, but some people just add random people they don't know.
Monday, April 16, 2012
There is nothing better than a nice peice of crispy bacon. Any kind, it doesn't matter, all bacon is amazing to me. I will eat bacon for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I had that much bacon in my house. Bacon is my comfort food, it is like magic, it calms me down and makes me full.

Friday, April 13, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
Spring Break
During my spring break I went to a bonfire fire and thought about swimming but it was really cold and I didn't have my swim trunks. I also ate a ton of food everyday and gained like 4 pounds. I also went to WOW which is a restaraunt by adrian college and I had a bulldog burger which was amazing.

Monday, March 26, 2012
National Bacon Day
National Bacon Day is a day where everyone enjoys bacon all day long. This day happens on March 21 every year and there is a parade that happens, that is all about bacon. The symbol for this holiday is the epic meal time symbol and the reason for this day is so everybody can appreciate bacon at the same time.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Famous Person
If I could meet any famous person in the world, I think I would want to meet Hue Hefner because he owns the Playboy mansions and it is my dream to go to one of the mansions. Hue is a player that can get any chick he wants even though he is like 90. If I was Hue I would be having a party every day with all the girls.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Reading Month
My favorite children's book has to be Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Suess. This is my favorite because I always thought it was funny that Sam always tried to get that guy to eat the green eggs and ham. Nobody read to me when I was little, I had to teach myself because I was not loved enough. Most teenagers don't like to read because there are movies that show and tell you about the story, they are way better than books are. Yes I am one of these many teenagers that do not like to read because I am a visual learner and I like visuals better than words. More pictures would get teenagers to read more.
Monday, March 5, 2012
My biggest pet peeve
My biggest pet peeve is when people tell you not to do something that is annoying them, and then they go and do it themselves. Like when I am tapping my foot on the floor during class and someone yells at me to stop then they go and tap there foot on the floor right after they tell me to stop. This is really annoying and it makes me mad.
Monday, February 27, 2012
In a friend I look for someone that I can talk to and hang out with whenever. One can have as many friends as they want. What makes a really bestfriend is that you can talk to them about anything and you know that they will not tell anyone unless you say they can. Yes you can have hundreds of friends on facebook, all you have to do is add them and they will most likely accept your request. They might know each other or they might talk to each other over facebook.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Homecoming week was surprisingly not that exciting. We had a pep assembly which was not that good except for the part where the coaches danced to songs which was funny. I liked the mini floats a lot. The right person was chosen for king. I did not dress up because I forgot.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Valentine's Day
My thoughts on this event are, it is a very romantic day for couples all around the world. The card and candy industry has blown this out of proportion. It is not important to have Valentine's day and no it is not a holiday. If you don't have someone special to give a Valentine to then you should purchase a dog. Your Mom and Dad do not count as being your Valentine because that would just be weird. My elementary days on Valentine's day was special because I got to give out Valentine's to all of my friends and it wouldn't be weird.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Superbowl XLVI
The Superbowl last night was very disappointing. Tom Brady did terrible to start off then came back and then at the end Wes Welker couldn't catch a ball even if his life depended on it. I'm so mad that the Patriots lost!
Monday, January 30, 2012
My level of photography is very low because I do not take a lot of pictures. I do not have a lot of experience because I don't just take random picture of things. I am expecting to learn the basics of photography and how to make pictures I take better.
Monday, January 23, 2012
On my exams I think I did pretty well and got decent grades. They were pretty easy so it was a bad expirience. I do not think that we should have mandatory exams because if we pass the class then we should not have to prove that we know the subject. Although I think taking exams is not right, I do think it is a good way to practice for college because exams in college are manditory also. Some of my exams were hard to understand and I did not have to study at all because I am so smart!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Robert Erpelding
Robert Erpelding is three seats away from me which is very unusual. We are usually right next to each other at all times. He is wearing a cast that is blue and has no writing on it. Robert has two earrings that are real diamonds. He is starring at me with his beautiful eyes, I just want to nibble on his ears. He has black hair that is pretty short, his eyes are brown. Robert is about five foot four inches and has a very defined body. He is ripped and has a six pack. He is chewing gum as I type this and is wearing a thick grey longsleeve shirt with blue jeans and nike falcon shoes that are red white and black. I can see his adamsapple while I am staring at him. His typing abilities are disabled because of the cast so he is extremely slow at typing. If you read this whole blog then you might be a stalker like me.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Christmas Break
Over christmas break I had a good time a just sat around the hole time. I ate a lot of pizza and played games. For Christmas I got a two bacon shirts, bacon soap, bacon suckers, and bacon chap stick. I also got a new buck knife that is pretty awesome!
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